Automatic Granule Jars Filling Machine

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Automatic Granule Jars Filling Machine Description :

The Automatic Granule Jars Filling Machine is an efficient solution for packaging solid granules in bottles or jars, with a maximum filling capacity of 1000 grams per bottle. This machine enhances production efficiency with a speed of approximately 20 bottles per minute. The system includes a bucket elevator for lifting products, a 4-head weigher for accurate measurements, a bottle unscrambler for organizing bottles, and a conveyor for smooth transport along the production line.

Automatic Granule Jars Filling Machine Features :

  1. Bucket Elevator
    • Vertical lifting system for grain materials
    • Customizable lifting height and speed
    • Made from stainless steel to meet food-grade standards
    • Easily disassembled for cleaning
  2. 4-Head Weigher
    • Accurate multi-material weighing system
    • Adjustable parameters for ease of operation
    • Internet remote monitoring capability
  3. Bottle Unscrambler
    • Made from high-quality stainless steel
    • Supports bottle sizes with diameters from 40-130mm and heights of 30-200mm
    • Production efficiency up to 50 bottles per minute
  4. Conveyor
    • Transfers bottles or cans smoothly along the production line
    • Made of high-quality stainless steel, customized dimensions available

Automatic Granule Jars Filling Machine In Dubai Contact Us Today To Learn More :

For more information on the Automatic Granule Jars Filling Machine, available now in Dubai, please contact First Class Packing & Packaging Equipment L.L.C. S.P. Our team is ready to assist with any inquiries and provide customized solutions to meet your specific needs.



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